The quality of tap water (or other sources of water) can have a big impact on your grow. Depending on your geographic location throughout the UK the hardness of water can change quite significantly, as per the below map.

Even in the same location, from the same tap, water quality can change throughout the year as companies change their sources to meet demand.

Ultimately, inconsistencies with water can have a detrimental effect on your grow. CANNA COCO and TERRA nutrients are formulated to work best with a ‘normal’ hardness of water. A ‘normal’ Hardness of water has certain amounts of two key things in it: minerals and bi-carbonates.

The minerals are mostly calcium and magnesium, beneficial for plant growth. The bi-carbonates have a pH stabilising effect on the solution, helping to maintain a natural pH balance throughout your grow.

Water testing - the importance of water testing and how to correct

Once you have the finer details of your water quality, then you can see how best to treat it before use and get more from your harvest. If a physical copy is unavailable instore, please see the following links for downloadable versions of the water testing literature.

Testing these aspects gives a simple yet concise insight into the quality of your water, and indicates whether you should be doing anything to correct any of its attributes. The above video shows how you can accurately test your water and shows how best to correct it before adding any TERRA VEGA and FLORES, or COCO A&B nutrients.

  • pH Pen
  • EC Pen
  • Carbonate Hardness (dKH) test kit
  • General Hardness (dGH) test kit
  • Syringe
  • Test tubes

The carbonate and general hardness test kits are simple drip reagent kits, that can be found at any aquatics supplies store. The kits used in the above video are NTLabs.

For more advice, contact the technical team

Water testing - the importance of water testing and how to correct

CANNA CALMAG AGENT offers a highly concentrated, supplementary solution with the perfect ratio 3:1 of calcium to magnesium to support exceptional plant growth by:

  • Improving the mineral content of water-type
  • Allowing for optimum nutrient access
  • Preventing plant deficiencies

Use our handy store locator to get your CALMAG today.