The year 2020 has been unprecedented, filled with new challenges no one could have foreseen. With this is mind the team responsible for the Southampton Pumpkin Competition, usually held at the Victoria Country park, made an extraordinary effort to move the event to a secure location and ensure that growers were able to come and safely weigh their produce officially.
Xtreme Pumpkin Competition | Pinetops Edition Southampton | 10/10/2020
The aim of the event was “The Grow will Go On”, with real emphasis on the growers and their results, making the mos of official weighing scales and judges so all the growers hard work was not lost.

Renowned pumpkin growers Ian & Stewart Paton, with support from their team and CANNA, re-designed the show to become a drive-in weigh off where health and safety was paramount.
With coverage from local news reporter, a live stream was also available via the XPG Facebook page for those who didn't want to miss out. Online viewers were eagerly watching the action including new records set from the comfort of their own homes, with many hoping to see more events like this in the future as the Giant Pumpkin Commonwealth stretches across the globe.

The Pumpkin World Record was nearly broken at the event, with Ian and Stewart Patons entry weighing in at a huge 2593.7lbs, falling short of the World Record by only 30lbs. They did however take the following titles:
- Taped the largest circumference: 502 inches
- European Record
- World Championship Record

Other Records set this year at the XPG included:
- Mark Baggs - UK Record for the Heaviest Marrow 200.6lbs
- Sebastian Suski - UK Record for the Heaviest Bush Gourd 123.5lbs
- Mr Leech - The Howard Dill award for prettiest most pumpkin like pumpkin

The Howard Dill award for the "Most Pumpkin Looking Pumpkin"

Winner: Mr Leech.
Visit the Pumpkin Show Facebook page for more info.