CANNA Terra Flores

Change from CANNA Terra Vega to CANNA Terra Flores when the flowers begin to develop. Normally speaking this will be after the plants have been lit for 12 hours per day, for between 1 and 3 weeks.

COGr Boards

When cultivating in plant trays with a sealable drainage system, it is easier to begin by making the drainage incisions, then turning over the COGr and filling the plant container with the buffering solution.

Dilluting CANNAZYM

Never dilute more CANNAZYM than will be used within 10 days.


If you are using CANNA RHIZOTONIC always add this to the feed water before you adjust the pH; CANNA RHIZOTONIC is a natural pH plus product.

Foliar feeding with RHIZOTONIC

Foliar feeding with RHIZOTONIC is most efficient when this is carried out around the time that the lights go out when cultivating inside, or just before sunset when cultivating outside.

Use PK 13/14 to prevent accumulation

Prevent the accumulation of phosphate and potassium by using PK 13/14 no more than one week.

Adding acid to water

When you dilute an acidic product, always add the acid to the water, never add water to the acid, if it splashes it will cause burns on your skin or in your eyes!

Adjusting pH using pH+ or pH-

Do you want to raise or lower the pH by using pH+ or pH-? Then dilute a small amount of pH+ or pH- in a cup to make judging the dosage easier. Try to get the pH right the first time. Using a lot of pH+ or pH- one after the other will disrupt the concentration of bicarbonate in the water and affect its buffering capacities negatively.

Mixing nutrients

Measuring the nutrient reservoir works as follows: Take EC as the starting point, measure it and determine whether it should be higher or lower, based on the values shown in the instructions. Only then should you adjust the pH using pH- or pH+, if necessary. Try to get the nutrient solution’s pH value correct at the first attempt.

CANNAZYM and Clay Pebbles

CANNAZYM extends the life-span of Clay Pebbles and other growing mediums because it breaks down dead roots.

Rinse the clay pebbles

Clay pebbles can have a high salt content. By rinsing the pebbles with water, these harmful salts can be washed away. An additional advantage of this is that dust particles are also rinsed off and these may have caused blockages.

Watering Coco

It's not necessary to water with CANNA Coco in advance of planting. It is recommen­ded to drip the coco with nutrient solution (2 ml CANNA Coco A & 2 ml Coco B /litre; pH 5.2-6.2) until drain appears. The coco now contains enough nutrients and water for a couple of days. Furthermore, the right temperature (20-25 °C) and high air humidity guarantee an optimal start.

Adding CANNAZYM to your potting medium

CANNAZYM can be given continually and this is most easily achieved by mixing it with the feeding in the proportion of 2,5 ml/litre; 1:400, or it can be given once a week in the proportion of 10 ml/litre; 1:100. A further possibility is to add the CANNAZYM to the nutrient tank when it is just 25% full at 10 ml/litre; 1:100. CANNAZYM also makes the potting mix more suitable for reuse.

Use prepared nutrient solution quickly

Not only the plants, but also micro-organisms really prosper in a diluted solution of Bio Vega and Bio Flores. It is advisable to use the prepared solution within 2 days.

Apply 1 to 3 times a week

It is important to shake bio-products well before use. Apply diluted nutritional solution 1 to 3 times a week.

Can you use automated dripper systems with Bio Vega & Bio Flores?

It is advisable not to use automatic dripper systems, when using Bio Vega and Bio Flores, because micro flora can develop in these systems which can cause blockages. However, if you do decide to use a dripper system then it is advised to; 1. use hoses and drippers with a broad diameter; 2. rinse the drippers with water after each feeding session.

Manual feeding of BioBOOST

BioBOOST can be administered manually and trouble-free via automatic drip irrigation and/ or via spraying the leaves. For spraying the leaves, use 2 ml BioBOOST per litre of water.

Do not acidify

Due to the presence of pH buffering fruit acids in Bio Vega and Bio Flores, the nutritional solution does not need to be acidified. Because the fruit acids serve as natural chelates, the nutrients can be absorbed across a wider pH course (up to pH 7).

BioBOOST plus CANNA PK 13/14

BioBOOST is not a nutrient but a metabolism stimulator and for that reason supports the working of other CANNA products, such as CANNA PK 13/14.

The EC of an organic fertilizer

Measuring the EC value of an organic nutrient, like you would do using a mineral fertilizer, is useless. Organic nutrients are not made of mineral salts but organically bound elements. An accurate EC value is therefore impossible to measure. Use organic fertilizers as described on the product label.

What is the difference between CANNA Terra Professional and CANNA Terra Professional Plus?

CANNA Terra Professional contains perlite and black peat.
CANNA Terra Professional Plus contains tree bark and white peat. For that it is a higher quality product.

I'm part of the CANNA family but I don't want to receive the C-letter anymore. Can I unsubscribe myself for this?

Yes, you can always unsubscribe yourself from the C-letter! At the bottom of every C-letter (newsletter) there is a link where you can unsubscribe yourself from the C-letter. Or edit your profile, go to Newsletters and untick the selected newsletter(s).

I'm a retailer and want to stock your products. What to do?

n the UK we work with 2 wholesalers. If you want to stock CANNA products please contact one of our wholesalers in the UK. Their contact details are as follows:

Highlight Horticulture 01949 839727
Hydrogarden 0247-6651500

Once you have ordered CANNA products please register as an authorized retailer.

 I'm a retailer and registered myself as a retailer but am still not authorised as a retailer. What should I do?

CANNA always checks with the wholesalers if your shop ordered products with one of them. That is why it can take a while before we authorise you as a retailer.

What are the advantages of being an authorised retailer?

Customers are able to find your shop in the shop localizer, you can download leaflets, grow guides and even product pictures. Of course you will stay up to date from all the developments regarding CANNA.

Is CANNACURE a pesticide?

No CANNACURE is not a pesticide. CANNACURE controls and/or prevent plant pests and mildew in a natural way.

When can I use CANNACURE?

CANNACURE can be used from the start of the growth phase all the way up until harvesting. When CANNACURE is used to prevent pest please spray weekly, if CANNACURE is used to control pests please repeat spraying the plant after three days and when necessary again after three days, then weekly afterwards.

Which pests does CANNACURE control?

Research has proven that CANNACURE controls and prevents heavy infestation like whitefly, spider mite, aphids, and mealybug. But also works against mildew.

Can I use CANNACURE next to my other feed?

CANNACURE can be used the whole growing and flowering phase! Remark CANNACURE does not replace your normal feed but can be used next to your normal feed.

Is CANNACURE harmful for the environment?

No CANNACURE is not harmful for the environment! CANNACURE is biodegradable and can be used on edible as well as ornamental crops.